Nassau Expressway Rehabilitation & Resurfacing
The Nassau Expressway project in Queens NY ($59M contract value) includes reconstruction of roadway and seven bridge structures along the major access road into JFK International Airport. The bridges connecting the Belt Parkway to the Nassau Expressway were completely rebuilt in three stages. The existing ramp from the Nassau Expressway to the Van Wyck Expressway was also reconstructed. The Bridge work consists of total structural steel, bearing and deck replacement with concrete repairs to the abutments and piers. The demolition, steel replacement, and the concrete deck work were completed one lane at a time while continuing to maintain traffic flow in the other lanes. Crack repairs to the existing concrete abutments, wing walls and piers include injection grouting and V cut grouting. To accelerate the work, 1200 precast deck slabs (at the Rockaway Parkway Interchange) were used. The precast slabs were installed nightly and the roadway reopened to traffic each morning. See Citation letter from NYSDOT Dated July 18, 2011.