Herbert Hoover Dike Modification – 5 & 5A - Lake Okeechobee, Florida
The Herbert Hoover Dike is a 143-mile earthen dam that surrounds Lake Okeechobee, the heart of the Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades system. The original dike was constructed with gravel, rock, limestone, sand, and shell. The project, replacing the existing dike culverts 5 and 5A, reduces impacts from flooding as a result of high lake levels for large area of south Florida. Read More
Boyette Reclaimed Water Reservoir - Pasco County, Florida
Construction of a 500-million gallon reclaimed water reservoir that will increase storage as part of the Pasco County Master Reuse System. Read More
Kentucky Locks Addition - Grand Rivers, Kentucky
Thalle Construction is working with the US Army Corps of Engineers on a large, long-term project that will double the capacity of the locks that allow barge and boat traffic around the Kentucky Dam. Read More
Hickory Log Creek Dam - Canton, Georgia
Thalle was contracted to build a new roller-compacted cement (RCC) dam on the Hickory Log Creek in Georgia. Completed on time and within budget, despite a demanding schedule and completion date, the dam is 950 feet wide and 180 feet high. It's one of the largest dams in the state not built by the Corps of Engineers or Georgia Power, and the highest RCC dam in North America. The reservoir behind the dam holds 5 billion gallons of water and provides an additional source of drinking water. Read More
Herbert Hoover Structure Replacement S-286 & S-287 - Glades County, Florida
The work includes demolition and removal of the existing Herbert Hoover Dike Culverts HP-2 and HP-3 and the construction of new water control structures S-287 and S-286 at their respective existing locations. Read More