Wateree Station – ISW Landfill Cells 1-5
The Wateree Station ISW Landfill Project is a 35-acre, new landfill construction for South Carolina Electric and Gas (SCE&G). The ISW Landfill was constructed onsite as part of a major “Scubber Modernization” project by SCE&G at its Wateree Station Facility.
The project included a 35-acre landfill, an 11-acre waste water pond, 1,000 GPM Pump Station, discharge force main, site access roads and vegetation. The new cell construction closure included 121 acres of clearing and grubbing, erosion control features, over 750,000 cubic yards excavation with 51,000 cubic yards embankment for subgrade, a 24” thick 1 x 10-5 cm/sec compacted soil liner, geosynthetic clay liner, 24” protective cover layer, leachate collection piping and perimeter ditch. The 11-acre wastewater pond included a low permeability (1 x 10-6cm/sec) compacted soil liner, soil protective cover, concrete revetment forebay and HDPE piping to the 1,000 GPM pump station and ancillary structures and controls.
SCE&G faced numerous challenges and permitting issues for the landfill as part of the modernization project at Wateree Station. Thalle teamed with SCE&G and Engineer, Garrett & Moore, to overcome each obstacle and permitting issue to complete the project timely and in advance of the modernization start-up.
Based on the success of the landfill project, Thalle was awarded a second $2.3 million project to construct the 5-ac FGD Scrubber Blowdown Pond at Wateree Station.